"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> Gas forge - Tabasco one burner forge - Chileforge.com
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Tabasco - 1 burner forge - with Diablo Burner

Our Tabasco Forge is portable and powerful. Now with Heavy Duty forge openings front and back. Featuring our 1-inch Diablo Burner, this powerhouse
is guaranteed to reach forge welding temperatures. It is the clear choice for blacksmiths and knifemakers who want both blazing heat and portability.

Diablo Burner Powerful and efficient, this next generation burner is pre-tuned
to develop a neutral flame leaving little oxygen for scaling. Our nozzle design is longer lasting and increases the burner's efficiency. Operating pressure range from 3 - 15 PSI.
  • Openings: 6-5/8"W x 3-5/8"H Front & Back
  • Interior Dimensions: 6-5/8""W x 6 "H x 12"L
  • Weight: 50 lbs.
Forge Interior Lined with two inches of ceramic blanket and rigidized for durablilty. Forge floor is made of ceramic tile, providing superior strength. The forge interior is coated with ITC-100 refractory, which increases the forge's fuel efficiency up to 30%.

Included with Tabasco Forge
Floor, 1 Stock Support,
Diablo Burner, Connection Kit,
(8' LP hose, Regulator, Gauge,
Ball Valve, Street Elbow and POL)

Price $1,099 plus shipping

Call us directly (520) 312-0000
for quote with shipping

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